A restaurant in Chicago without delivery is like Chicago without Lake Michigan or Chicago without Mayor Daley, or like Lady Gaga without Alejandro - it is just incomprehensible.
Standard India Restaurant delivers our delicious North Indian food to nearby Chiago neighborhoods. Our standard delivery area is North to Irving Park (4000 North), South to Fullerton (2400 North), East to the Lake and West to Ashland (1600 West).
Our minimum delivery order charge is $15.00 which is payable either cash or credit card (Visa / Master Card / Discover). We charge $3.00 per delivery for our standard delivery area.
Standard India Restaurant also has a Carry Out option for all of our menu items as well. For Carry Out, please call ahead and place your order, providing details such as the spice level that you would like as well as any food allergies that you may have. We will provide you an estimate, depending upon the size of your order, and will have our delicious North Indian food ready for you upon your arrival.
One can also do our famous New Dehli Pick 5 Thali-2-Go carryout option. Always innovating - we were the first and the only Indian restaurant with this wonderful option. With our New Dehli Pick 5 Thali-2-Go carryout option, simply come in to the restaurant and inform us that you wish to get the New Dehli Pick 5 Thali-2-Go. With the New Dehli Pick 5 Thali-2-Go, you can select any 5 Thali-Add Ons to create a customized platter. With the New Dehli Pick 5 Thali-2-Go option, you can try a variety of items at very reasonable price and get the mini-buffet experience without the guilt and all the pleasure.